Pure Food Hall í Keflavík

ÍslandPure Food Hall



🕗 opnunartími

2, Fálkavöllur, 235, Keflavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 693 9901
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9960166, Longitude: -22.6241165

athugasemdir 2

  • Javier Ching

    Javier Ching


    Taste: 4 Value: 2 Presentation: 5 Overall score: 3.66 rounded up to 4 Hi and welcome to another episode of javing it with Javier. Let's see what we're javing today. Today we have a special guest Michael Zhang. What can you tell us about your past experiences with this iconic Icelandic hot dog? "Javier, I have got to say that this is the most...mediocre hot dog I've ever had. I would give it a solid score of 2.13 out of 5. Back to you Javier". Will this hot dog be as bad as Michael made it out to be? Let's get this review started. The hot dog seems pretty plain. The bun looks like one you can get at a grocery store. But inside, it is filled with ketchup layered with fried onions on top. Then comes the sausage; it is long and thin compared to the ones I usually eat. On top of that is mustard and a single line of relish. The appearance of the hot dog looks pretty good; I'm excited to eat it. Mmmm...pretty good. The bun is extremely soft and the sauces mix really well with the fried onions. My only complaint is the sausage. The texture is slightly tougher than I'd like but overall the taste is very good. In terms of the price, this hot dog costed approximately $6.50 and is fairly overpriced for a hot dog. This was an interesting try but I am not sure I would order another one for this price. So the iconic Icelandic hot dog turned out to be pretty good except for the price. Definitely worth eating if you don't mind the higher price point. And that is all for today's episode of javing it with Javier. We'll see you next time! And remember food is life.

  • Kristjan Mar Hauksson

    Kristjan Mar Hauksson


    Great service

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