Reykjavik Botanical Garden í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavik Botanical Garden



🕗 opnunartími

105, Hverfisgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 411 8650
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1403034, Longitude: -21.8700156

athugasemdir 5

  • Trace Lambert

    Trace Lambert


    This is a nice combo of rock garden, arboretum, rose garden and nature trail. Adjacent to exercise trails. I did not visit the greenhouse or Cafe Flora.

  • Angelique Sayson

    Angelique Sayson


    Oh geez, I can't possibly say enough good things about the beauty of Iceland, let alone this magical, phantasmagorical fairy-tale garden! On the last day of my trip in Iceland, I decided I just absolutely *had* to have one more adventure, no matter how big or small it was. I used Google Maps on my phone to see what was around me, and when I saw that this botanical garden was only a short walk from behind Reykjavik City Hostel(where I was staying) and saw the beautiful pictures other travelers had posted, I just knew this was the perfect adventure to squeeze in before my flight! To get to the garden from the hostel, I exited onto the deck, and followed a dirt path past the campgrounds, then past another little park that had some informational signs, bridges and trenches(it was like a mini-Shire). Depending on your pace, and whether you stop along the way at the park, it takes about 8-12 minutes to walk to the garden. To be honest, what I kind of loved about this garden is that it was a bit of a journey to get there: following the path to get there and then having the magnificent bursts of color greet me made me feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland :3 But I digress...when you arrive, you'll the most gorgeous flowers, trees, plants, and you can tell that tender love and care has been invested into every single nook and cranny of the garden-as evidenced by the many volunteers(many of which seemed to be young, grade school girls) who are wheeling things about, or digging, or leaf-blowing. I'm not a botanist, so my adjectives can only go so far, but there are thousands of species of plants and flowers here. My special moment: As I perused the garden, I came across a bench that had some graffiti(or "wall art" as they call it) which was framed by a bush of white daisies. The morning dew was still on the petals, and the bench, and I felt the juxtaposition of street art and daisies with the crystal droplets would make a beautiful shot(you can see it in my photos here-hopefully it is in high quality). Overall, Reykjavik Botanical Garden is a wonderful, little-known secret that is great to visit if you have some time before your departure.

  • Andrée-Anne Lorrain

    Andrée-Anne Lorrain


    Very nice free park in Reykjavik! If you're visiting in summer you're just in time to see some very beautiful flowers there. A nice stop while visiting Reykjavik!

  • Kenneth Gormsen Johansen

    Kenneth Gormsen Johansen


    Flot botanisk have med en cafe, Floran, og der er zoo lige ved siden af.

  • vignir heidarsson

    vignir heidarsson


    fór með mömmu minni og ömmu, uppáhalds staður þeirra því umhverfið er æðislegt: hitastigið, rakinn og blómin láta mann líða vel. Hinsvegar þá lentum við í því að þjónustan var slæm. Þarna borða helst eldri borgarar en samt talar allt starfsfólkið ensku á svona fínum stað. Salatið lofaði góðu, nóg af kjúkling en það var engin mynta og eitt jarðaber skorið í marga bita fyrir 2750 krónur, kvörtuðum yfir því að vera bara með gras og kjúkling og fengum ekki afsökun en 5 mínutum seinna fékk amma salatið sitt aftur, mangó og einu jarðaberi ríkari, frá kokkinum sem lagði diskinn á borðið, sagði ekkert, og labbaði í burtu.

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