Reykjavik Central Apartments í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavik Central Apartments



🕗 opnunartími

26, Mýrargata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 822 1929
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1523666, Longitude: -21.950151

athugasemdir 5

  • John Berg

    John Berg


    We stayed in a very nice apartment in the center of town. The apartment was spacious and well equipped. It worked out great for our family (2 adults, 2 children). Sjonni takes extra care to make sure you have everything you need before you arrive. It sure beats staying in a a more pricey and smaller hotel! We will be sure to use this service should our travels take us back to Reykjavik!

  • en

    Jo Vincent


    Our family (children age 14,12,8,6) stayed at this apartment for four nights. We had long wanted to visit Iceland. This apartment could not be described as cheap - but it is terrific value for a group such as ours compared to hotel prices. It is worth every penny. It is large, modern and warm. It is stylishly decorated but in a reasonably child-proof way. The picture window view of the harbour is much, much more fascinating and beautiful than pictures can suggest. There is underground parking and the apartment is located a few minutes’ walk from a variety of supermarkets, bars and restaurants. The property manager is accessible and very helpful. We were mostly children but three couples would be equally happy here. You may raise an eyebrow looking at the area and harbour on Streetview. You would be wrong. This is a buzzing and lively area, and the main downtown area is a short walk away. Altogether a great place to stay

  • Freehandala



    Arrived in Reykjavik for a 4 day stay with the family, stayed in the central apartments and we just loved it, Sjonni the owner was just great. We had a fantastic time in Iceland and this was due to the fact that we had somewhere nice, warm, and clean to come back to at the end of each day. I would recommend Central Apartments.

  • Georgia S

    Georgia S


    The apartment was fantastic. We were a group of 6 and each one of us loved the place. Amazing view to the harbour, well equipped and very clean also. Sjonni was very helpful, making sure we have everything before we get there. He was kind enough to send us a very useful booklet with directions and general information. Certainly recommend it and definitely coming back!

  • en

    Ian Williams


    Just wanted to say that the experience we had staying at Vesturgata was outstanding. This unit is perfectly located in Reykjavik ,very updated modern décor, and spotless. Sjonni was very helpful and responded quickly to any questions we had, directions were clearly laid out and there was no issue finding it. definitely 5 out of 5!

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