Reykjavik Domestic Airport í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavik Domestic Airport


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

10, Þorragata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 570 3000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1318703, Longitude: -21.9466063

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Sha Mar


    I only stopped at this airport in order to transfer to Copenhagen but I found this airport very cute and convenient! I took these pictures from the near by places to my gate since I didn’t have so much time to walk around! But I liked the place specially with those cute little gift shops!

  • en

    Cengiz Mutlu


    Insufficient service and rude staff, especially security! The funny thing, they think they are good at hospitaliy :)) Our flight cancelled due to weather conditions, we had to stay one night in this terrible airport..Let’s thats because of weather and that’s fine but they threatened us to kick out of airport with police just because we are sitting free copy newspapers!! When I asked the reason, what they can just say we’re told you can’t sit on this newspaper!! There were no place all night to sit, what kind of cruel people you are? Shame on you!!

  • Markus Fischer // FischiFoto

    Markus Fischer // FischiFoto


    Nice airport, well designed and easy to navigate through. Has some good food places as well as a well sorted duty free at arrival. Since liquor (and everything else) is quite expensive, its worth taking a bottle or two there. A big ThankYou to the nice people of the Lost & Found department for taking care about my lost camera! ;) p.s.: if you fly Icelandic Airlines, you'll get your first impression of northern lights already on the plane (see image attached) ;)

  • Michael Elftman

    Michael Elftman


    My God is it busy! It's convenient to connect to get to the rest of Europe, but holy cow it is crazy! After getting off the plane, we got on to a bus where the driver drove wickedly fast. Many people were worried we were going to tip over. I understand it's not a large airport, but letting four planes worth of people off to get through customs was madness. My wife and I had to SPRINT to catch our connecting flight to Munich. We were so close that we weren't on the plane five minutes before we started taxiing.

  • Victor Torres

    Victor Torres


    This airport is pretty small and have limited flights. Nothing to do here, so don't kill your time over there. And it say it's domestic but you can go to Faroe Islands, which is amazing.

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