Reykjavík Ink í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavík Ink



🕗 opnunartími

Frakkastígur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 897 9107
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1452698, Longitude: -21.9245036

athugasemdir 5

  • de

    Johanna Diederich


    Schöne Atmosphäre, wurde aber nicht tattoowiert, da der Grundpreis 1300ikr war

  • William Rogers

    William Rogers


    The people who work there are very friendly and helpful. Two of my friends got tattoos there and are completely satisfied with their work. If you are looking to get a tattoo while in Iceland, you should check this place out.

  • Chris Heintze

    Chris Heintze


    I need a tattoo... We have a free spot at five pm. Quick, easy, professional, clean. góđvild means kindness...

  • Kevin Hatcher

    Kevin Hatcher


    Had a great experience here with my first tattoo! Emailed for a cost and an appointment, but you can also walk right in and ask for an appointment. The guy who did my tattoo was really good and quick and it came out amazingly! Could not be happier! and it is in the kind of style I wanted (very important to get the right style/artist for your tattoo) Thanks guys!

  • en

    leonie sherman


    I only had an idea of the tattoos I wanted when I walked in. The receptionist was funny and kind and the artist was incredibly patient, spending over an hour designing the Arctic terns on my shoulders and making sure they were perfect before he started tattooing. He was meticulous in his craftsmanship, regularly checking in to get my feedback. I have 8 other tattoos and this was the very best experience getting inked in Iceland I could have dreamed of. Everyone working in the shop was professional and friendly and helpful and funny. Sure, it's pricey, but so is everything in Iceland and Reykjavik especially.

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