Room With A View - Apartments í Reykjavík

ÍslandRoom With A View - Apartments


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Laugavegur 18, 101 Reykjavík, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 552 7262
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1458112, Longitude: -21.9300882

athugasemdir 5

  • William Butcher

    William Butcher


    Great views. I came here on a cost effective trip and it was nice, the room I had was rather dated but with some splashes of modern in it like the shelf on the wall and some cooking things. The self catering for this place is less than ideal with not much cutlery and cooking utensils available. The leather sofas were nice but nothing to brag about. Overal it wasn't shabby at all but for the price was great

  • en

    JapanPiranuch R.


    We had several questions before the trip and staffs there responded in a good time manner, very informative both before and during the trip. Only a few mins walk from bus stop no. 7, where is a main pick-up point for airport transfer and tours. The room itself is spacious, clean, and warm! However, wifi should be fixed; it didn’t work at all.

  • Jim at Blackberry Pines Farm

    Jim at Blackberry Pines Farm


    The best! Great space, big rooms, awesome location in shopping district and for bus stops, staff so friendly and so many amenities in the kitchen. Really clean and neat. Did I mention that the Price was just right.

  • en



    The rooms were very nice. Hard wood floors and nice Jacuzzi tub. In the heart of the city and They let us check in early and most of the staff was friendly. During our trip the sauna was broken and housekeeping forgot to refill our soap depenser. Otherwise, great experience.

  • Mei Yew

    Mei Yew


    Just a stones throw from the bus stop 7 (designated pick up and drop off points for tour coaches.), this is a quaint apartment hotel right in the middle of the city- opposite 66 North shop!! There is a mix bag of apartment types! For my first night stay, we were lucky to get a junior suite! Access is via a private staircase in the room!! There are two good sized tv in this apartment! One facing the bed, and the other one facing the kitchen! The toiletries, bathrobe, bedroom slippers are well placed. The shower water was thermal hot water. The apartment is also well stocked with a coffee machine and quality tea bags! The balcony was awesome! I would highly recommend this hotel to anyone!! The apartment hotel three days later was not as good at this time as it is a lower grade!! The sauna on the fourth floor is a bonus!

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