Sandhotel í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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36, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 519 8090
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1450929, Longitude: -21.9266142

athugasemdir 5

  • Thorbjorg Helga Vigfusdottir

    Thorbjorg Helga Vigfusdottir


    I invited my husband to stay in Sandhotel for one night. We loved it. The bed and bedding amazing and a quiet vibe even though it is located smack downtown. Highly recommended. The breakfast was amazing and I will be back for those overnight oats very soon.

  • Jessica Holmes

    Jessica Holmes


    The Sand hotel was our home base when we went to Iceland for about a week. The staff was very helpful. The room was on the Cozy side but very nice. It had heated floors, a very comfortable bed and was meticulously clean. Each morning we had a standard European breakfast included with our stay. Breakfast was served in the restaurant area and we have the option of upgrading to something hot if we wanted to. The wait staff and the hotel staff were great. They helped us find things in town that we were interested in and gave us heads up on things to look out for when we were outside of Reykjavik. I would definitely stay at the Sand hotel again. It was a easy walk from nearly everything we wanted to do in Reykjavik and we felt like we were in the middle of the action.

  • Emily Hamilton

    Emily Hamilton


    Very helpful staff. My family checked in earlier than me due to plane timings and they kept a spare key for me so I didn't wake them up when I arrived. Willing to accommodate my little sister's dietary requirements for meals.

  • Alex Petty

    Alex Petty


    The hotel is perfectly situated in the busy centre of Reykjavík shopping area. There are plenty of restaurants, with more bars and eating places a 10 minute walk, heading west. The hotel has a contemporary feel and the facilities are good. There is a restaurant in the hotel which serves breakfast too. The hotel felt good value and the staff very welcoming. The room was nice and quiet; and warm. All in all, a comfortable place to stay.

  • en

    Kwok Yao Chim


    Really nice modern boutique hotel attached to an artisan bakery café on a nice high street (cars only). Lots of boutique shops and places to eat near by. 5 mins slow walk from one of the many bus stops for excursions/tours and airport transfers. Friendly young staff. Rooms are clean and modern, beds are warm and comfortable. I would definitely stay here again.

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