Skolabru Guesthouse í Reykjavík

ÍslandSkolabru Guesthouse


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Skólabrú 2, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 824 2016
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1463861, Longitude: -21.9385351

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Paul walker


    Very basic guesthouse with shared facilities i.e One bathroom and a small kitchen with a two ring hotplate and microwave oven for cooking. The rooms are clean and the prices reasonable, for Reykjavik. Very good location

  • M.Doğan Özdemir

    M.Doğan Özdemir


    Nice and cosy hostel. easy to reach, good staff and nice cosy rooms. its probably the cheapest option around.

  • Andrew Scargill

    Andrew Scargill


    Right in the centre or Reykjavik. This place is perfect for anyone who doesnt mind sharing a bathroom and kitchen. Personally I dont due to the location.

  • Jacques Holst

    Jacques Holst


    As we walked into the building, both my friend and I thought "Ghosthouse". No lights were on in the entire buidling, not a living soul in the building.. And this is after we had to drive up to another hotel to pick up the key. The room had doors to other rooms, that was just covered up by beds and closets. The door handles were still on. This place really felt like an old house they bought, and just put in beds without actually making it into a hotel with individuel rooms. Old house where you can hear the people next door, up stairs and so on. The cleaning lady, who was a sweetheart, came early in the morning, and asked us 3-4 times if we were checking out, and before we had left the room, the cleaning lady was already in the room cleaning it.

  • Tracey Colley

    Tracey Colley


    Great location, despite the noise of the Friday night djammid filtering through the double glazed windows. Damn those wild young things and their joyful youthful enthusiasm and stamina. Main gripe was that the bathroom on the second floor, which had 5 rooms, had a bathroom which was out of order so you to share the bathroom on the second floor which had 4 rooms. But having said that, I never had to wait so it just goes to show how infrequently people wash and do the needful. I may have actually been sharing with camels.

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