Stay In Iceland w Árnessýslu

IslandiaStay In Iceland


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801 Árnessýslu, Island
kontakt telefon: +354 899 7748
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Latitude: 63.8800135, Longitude: -20.7867765

komentarze 5

  • en

    Aldin Saliev


  • Ben Trestrail

    Ben Trestrail


  • en

    Josh Knight


  • Olaf Rosendahl

    Olaf Rosendahl


    Nice apartments

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    Ein Google-Nutzer


    Vatnsholt is a newly renovated country lodge in a beautiful setting above the lake of Villingarholt. From Vatnsholt you will enjoy a magnificent view where you can easily spot the Westman islands (Vestmannaeyjar), the glacier of Eyjafjall (Eyjafjallajökull), the Tinda Mountains (Tindfjöll), the famous volcano Hekla and the slopes of Hella. Vatnsholt is situated only 16 km from the nearest town of Selfoss where you will find all the modern comforts a town has to offer. We offer state of the art facilities in the heart of the Icelandic nature for tourists, couples, families and all individuals looking for a relaxing atmosphere and want to enjoy all the best that the south of Iceland has to offer. We will do our best to make sure your stay will be a most enjoyable experience. Vatnsholt is a perfect location for families traveling with children as we offer the perfect setting to give guests a change to experience an Icelandic farm. On the premises we have horses, dogs, cats, bunnies, chickens and life stock. We have boats and fishing gear available for trout fishing on the lake of Villingarholt as well as offering a perfect setting for bird watching. We offer bicycles for rent and are equipped with a large playground for the younger generation. We at Vatnsholt pride ourselves in offering excellent facilities with a maximum capacity of 12 people in beautiful apartments or/bright and comfortable rooms with access to shared cooking and living space along with our deck equipped with barbeque, Jacuzzi and deck furniture. Accommodation Information Vatnsholt 1 has been renovated into a comfortable guesthouse with 6 double/twin rooms. The house is equipped with two kitchens, two large living rooms with a multi channel television and a DVD player, 2 spacious bathrooms, laundry room and a sun terrace which offers the perfect setting for a family barbeque or a romantic night under the sky in our state of the art Jacuzzi. The deck is furnished with deck furniture. Vatnsholt 2 also went through some major renovations along with its adjoined 140m2 potato storage. Now it hosts 4 spacious bedrooms. 2 of the rooms are very large family rooms and have direct access to a large living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms. In the other building that formally was used to host life stock is now a reception area, kitchen and a dining hall. The premises also host a large space of 200m2, recently renovated and tastefully decorated which can be hired to cater to different venues upon request. Adjoined to these premises you will find our new stables which are the home to our excellent riding horses. Location Information In order to reach the destination, you need to follow these instructions. From Selfoss: You need to head eastwards along highway for about 7 km, and then you take a right turn down Villingaholtsvegur road nr. 305. After, you need to drive for about 8 km and then you need to take a right turn at Kolsholtsvegur road nr. 309 (now you should be able to see our farm). Continue to drive for about 1 km and then take a left turn on Vatnsholtsvegur road nr. 3206 drive now about 500 meters and you are there. Welcome to Vatnsholt.

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