Strýtan Divecenter IS

ÍslandStrýtan Divecenter


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

tengiliðir sími: +354 862 2949
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 65.8509439, Longitude: -18.1931046

athugasemdir 4

  • Markus Fischer // FischiFoto

    Markus Fischer // FischiFoto


    We didn't dive here, but paid the guys at the station a visit & asked for some advice. As everybody in Iceland, the guys were extremely helpful and nice. The base is in an abandoned factory building, that we use for a photoshoot. There's an iconic lighthouse tower right next to the ocean that's also great for some shots. But the best thing is the hot water pool right in front of the base! If you are around, pay the guys a visit and stay for a dive!

  • en

    Loftur Loftsson


  • en

    Moritz Sanne


    The Best Dive site ever! Well Spent Money! Very good dive equipment. You need to have dry suit experience. Big thanks to Erlandur and his daughter. I also recommend his book about the Strytan. There is also a Hot water pool at this location with a great view on the Fjord.

  • Conall Argue

    Conall Argue


    I came to Iceland really excited to do this dive, got to the dive site and the visibility was poor so we surfaced half way through the first dive, an understandable decision noting that both of us only have around 40 dives. After, we went whale watching instead of doing the second dive. Really nice people but in the end I spent 40 000kr ($540 CAD) for ten minutes under water. Diving in Iceland is expensive but that seemed like very little bang for my buck.

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