Thrifty car rental í Keflavík

ÍslandThrifty car rental



🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
3, Blikavöllur, 235 Keflavík, Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 515 7110
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.998209, Longitude: -22.62998

athugasemdir 5

  • Alfie Mallett

    Alfie Mallett


    Excellent service and a quality car. Friendly staff gave me a better car than I booked for free. No hidden extras and no pressure for add ons. No credit card hold taken, just one needed for payment. The terminal was a short bus shuttle ride away from Thrifty office but we walked in under 5 minutes. I would definitely recommend Thrifty, especially for younger drivers !

  • Mariusz Stanisz

    Mariusz Stanisz


    They saved my trip as I was cheated by the Sixt. It turned out that even though I changed the pick up time and agreed that somebody would wait for mee there was nobody at the Sixt's office. The only open place was Thrifty. The service was friendly, quick (10-15 min) and what is the most important they didn't want to charge for anything more than the car itself (deposit/age/being left-handed/having too long nails or other things for which they charge you in those cheating companies). They told me everything I should know about the car. The car worked perfectly. The drop off lasted literally 2 minutes - as it should. Totally recommended!

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    Kim & Brodie Wagner


    We have travelled a lot of places and rented cars in many different countries. The experience that Renole (I really hope I got her name right) offered us at Thrifty Car Rental (Keflavik location) was outstanding. We are visiting from Canada and have hauled our son's bucket car seat around with us. We didn't anticipate that in Iceland the seat belts work differently than cars in North America. For example, at home - when you pull on the seatbelt until it can't go any further, release it, and then pull again, it locks. We anticipated this feature in the cars here so that we could travel with our bucket car seat without its base. For some reason, the cars in Iceland don't have the same feature. Renole was so helpful to immediately get us a super safe Volvo car seat for infants at an extremely reasonable price. Great customer service!!

  • Francis Howell Hockey Club

    Francis Howell Hockey Club


    Dual was our customer agent at the airport and he was a super help since we had inadvertently booked our car at the domestic airport instead of where we landed at the international airport :(. He was able to find us a vehicle so that we did not have to take a transfer to Reykjavik. Additionally - when we had a parking problem in the city. Thrifty representatives helped us move the vehicle to avoid being towed. They went above an beyond to make our trip uneventful so we could have fun.

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    Arrived early in the morning. We received great service by Bjorgvin who was very friendly, the price was good, and so was the car, a compact SUV. Just make sure to read all the information on their website, regarding the payment and other charges (if there are any), reserve early in the day, have your papers with you, and just go around the car with the agent. So read, and ask, and you shouldn't be one of those leaving a bad review :)

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