V11 Apartment í Njardvik

ÍslandV11 Apartment


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

Njardvik, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9818654, Longitude: -22.5537585

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    ali pesteh


  • Vaibhav Ratnaparkhi

    Vaibhav Ratnaparkhi


    Amazing property, well placed near the airport and blue lagoon. Fully equipped and has absolutely everything needed. The host was more than helpful. We had an early morning 5 am flight and she gladly helped us with breakfast ... which she packed for us so we could carry it on oyr way. Also she was very nice in asking us if we had any veg / non-veg preferences. Just perfect if you need a place near to the airport and blue lagoon with kitchen facilities. Look no further. Also easy to find on the maps.

  • Nathan Pflaum

    Nathan Pflaum


  • Greg Orszulak

    Greg Orszulak


    We stayed here the night we landed in Keflavik. Our flight landed at 11:30pm, we informed the owner in advance and he waited up for us until we arrived at his place around 12:30am. The unit, located under the owner's house has a small living space with fully equipped kitchen, nice size bathroom and 2 twin beds that can be pushed to a single larger bed. The mattress and linens were comfortable. Shampoo/Body wash was provided in the bathroom. Fast wifi and a TV with a good selection of channels was provided. Breakfast was left in the mini fridge for us to serve ourselves in he morning. Several gluten free options were provided, including a few different oatmeals and Skyr. The only reason I docked 1 star was the window above the bed was pretty drafty which made my wife a bit chilly at night. Other than that it was a great first night. For the price it's an excellent option a short drive away from the airport.

  • lv

    Māris Aizporietis


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