A. Bernhard Bed and Breakfast i Keflavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandA. Bernhard Bed and Breakfast


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Vallargata, 230, Keflavík, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 421 2399
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 64.003396, Longitude: -22.5574101

kommentar 5

  • it

    Lidia Piatkowska


    Le camere pulitissime e ben attrezzate, i proprietari molto gentili e disponibili per qualsiasi cosa giorno e notte. Il negozio praticamente a pochi passi, molto vicino all'aeroporto 🙂

  • Natasa Vuskovic

    Natasa Vuskovic


    The place is homely, cozy, neat, clean and conveniently situated to explore Keflavík. The price is very affordable. The owner is friendly and goes an extra mile to make you feel welcome. I highly recommend.

  • en

    Bill Martin


    Good place to stop and rest while flying in or out of iceland. Affordable, and private accommodations which is a hard thing to find in this country.

  • en

    Jessica Jo Stenquist


    Showed up to locked doors, short 5 min walk into town to borrow a phone to call and walked back and he met us. Great accommodations. No breakfast tho it appeared to me to be advertised as such. As we were getting ready to go back into town for food many other guests arrived who we let in who had had a similar experience of not being able to get in with no way to call and came back after wandering around town. Awesome and comfortable space and once the host arrived everything was in order, just slow on the up take. Super close to the airport and the owner arranged for an early pick up for us to catch our connecting flight to continue our journey.

  • Kaitlin Young

    Kaitlin Young


    Lovely place, quiet. Large rooms with large shared bathroom. Kind bed. Bathroom includes a whirlpool tub. Accommodations more similar to what Americans are used to, if that's what is comfortable to you. Near airport. Check in available until midnight. No cooking allowed.

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