Airport Direct i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandAirport Direct



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16, Fiskislóð, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 497 8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.154837, Longitude: -21.9478051

kommentar 5

  • David Poon

    David Poon


    I used Airport Direct coach to/from Keflavík to Fosshotel Reykjavík and it was easy and seamless. I liked that we didn’t have to transfer at the bus terminal to a smaller shuttle, since that can add another 30 minutes to your transit time. Their bright orange buses are easy to spot and they are newer, cleaner, more spacious, and better equipped than the Reykjavík Excursions buses we took to the Blue Lagoon during the same holiday. Also, their buses being newer meant that their seatbelts included shoulder straps instead of being just waist ones. I did purchase their flight delay assurance since the Newark to Keflavík flight on WOW Air seemed to be frequently delayed, but we actually arrived earlier than expected, and the ticket counter at the airport moved us to an earlier bus without any issues. I would definitely recommend their airport transfer service.

  • Vilhjálmur Sveinsson

    Vilhjálmur Sveinsson


    Fantastic service, saved a lot of time using Airport Direct. They go straight from the Airport to your hotel, without stopping on a bus terminal.

  • IPajur1st



    Awesome! On time and just perfect! The best way to get out and to the Keflavik airport!

  • Vilhjálmur Sveinsson

    Vilhjálmur Sveinsson


    Easiest way to get to and from the Airport, goes directly to you hotel/bus stop so you save a lot of time on other transfers. Also way cheaper than taxi.

  • en

    Yj Pyun


    Stay away from this carrier. They were late to pick us up. The bus driver was very rude. I was really afraid that I might miss my flight. There are better servicers than this in the city.

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