Alfred's Apartments í Reykjavík

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staðfest mál




ÍslandAlfred's Apartments



🕗 opnunartími

Vitastígur 11, 101 Reykjavík, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 694 8118
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.143931, Longitude: -21.921898

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    steve whitwam


    Very clean, all amenities and warm and cosy

  • en

    Tracy Stevenson


    Lovely apartments, basic but very clean.

  • Mark Dorninger

    Mark Dorninger


    Spotzen Lage, Alles modern eingerichtet, sauber. Leider etwas kleiner als aus den vielen Bildern ersichtlich.

  • Alastair Knowles

    Alastair Knowles


    My wife and I stayed at Alfred's for 4 nights, generally speaking I have nothing but positive things to say about the experience - here's a quick review of it: PROS: - LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! It couldn't be more ideally situated, particularly for anyone spending any real time in Reykjavik. One of the things we really appreciated about its central location to everything, was that if we needed to run to the apartment to use the restroom we could (there aren't a ton of public restrooms in Reykjavik, or accessible ones in general). It was close to the water, close to the main-strip, close to lots of dining options, close to the Harpa, there's an affordable chip-shop across the street, there's a grocery store nearby, and it's close to bus stops. - The staff is friendly, always willing to help, and also really effective at getting their work done without disturbing guests. When you stay here you really do feel like you're staying in your own little apartment (because you are). - Stove, Fridge, Microwave, and some cutlery allow you to prepare your own meals, store food, store your own beverages, and reheat leftovers...this is a HUGE convenience because of how expensive it is to eat out/go out for drinks in Iceland (the hype around the cost of being in Iceland is real). Shop at BONUS while in Iceland (there's one really close to Alfred's) - it's far cheaper than other stores we checked out. - Solid WiFi and TV available; though we didn't spend a whole lot of time in our apartment (so much to see and do in Iceland), when we were unwinding for the night or getting ready in the morning it was nice to have a strong free WiFi connection and TV with some decent channels. Having the WiFi connection was also nice for researching attractions, restaurants, getting directions before going out, etc. - Seclusion: despite being right off the main strip, the apartments really do feel quite secluded/quiet. We were there over the weekend and didn't have any trouble sleeping with the windows cracked. - Locally owned small business: who doesn't like supporting a small-business owner? If you stay here you can do so knowing that you're supporting good local people working to provide great accommodations to others. CONS: - Bathroom cleanliness: my wife and I are both pretty extreme about cleanliness, so this might say more about us than the accommodations; but there were definitely some corners/parts of the bathroom that could've been a little cleaner. The bathroom wasn't gross or anything like that, but it wasn't as clean as we would've liked it to have been. The rest of the apartment was very clean. FYI'S (these aren't CONS, but things you should know if looking to stay at Alfred's): - No phone/landline: this wasn't an issue for us (I have an international data plan), but I could see it being an issue for some. - No turn-down service: this also wasn't an issue for us, as we usually don't take advantage of turndown service at hotels and tend to keep our space clean and tended ourselves. I am positive that had we asked for it that Alfred's would've provided it, but it would've required us contacting them over it. - Limited parking, which has to be scheduled in advance (if you're lucky); this seems to be the case at most accommodations within the central part of the city, and parking on the street can be expensive M-Sat. I doubt that most people staying at Alfred's would require parking (given its location, the cost of renting a car, the cost of gas in Iceland, and the cost of parking in Reykjavik). We did rent a car for one day, but it was a Sunday so we were able to park on the street for free and return it before 9AM on Monday. OVERALL: we had a wonderful experience at Alfred's, and if we went back we'd certainly look at staying there again.

  • Jane V

    Jane V


    Wonderful apartment and central location. Welcoming host. Good price. Free wifi. Loved the stay in beautiful Reyjkavik.

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