Ambassador Reykjavík Whale Watching i Reykjavík

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IslandAmbassador Reykjavík Whale Watching



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7a, Geirsgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 462 6866
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.1507268, Longitude: -21.94361

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brian Imhulse


    Great crew, fastest boat and not crowded. Would only pick this company if I were going again.

  • Tobias Fjelsted Alrøe

    Tobias Fjelsted Alrøe


    On the positive side: We did see both dolphins and Minke whales. There were only few guests aboard so the trip felt quite intimate. On the negative side: They sailed full speed to the "feeding spot" it only took 25 minutes. But the return trip took 60 minutes.. it felt like they wanted to pass time and avoid doing any more whale watching. The map on their brochure is confusing. We parked at the marked location for parking, walked to the primary ticket office at the harbor only to be told that we should go back to the parking lot to find the boat.

  • Vítězslav Musil

    Vítězslav Musil


    We floated on a very nice and smaller boat so we got closer to the whales than the other big boats of other companies which accompany us awhile. Me, my girlfriend and 11months baby did enjoy the 3 hours tour where we saw couple of minke and two or three humpback whales on a sunny day in the beginning of July.

  • Jonathan Revere

    Jonathan Revere


    My wife and I went on this whale watching tour during our honeymoon. The staff was incredibly friendly and informative. They have one of the fastest boats in the harbor, which means we were able to get out to ocean quick to have more time to see the animals. We saw some Minke whales when we went out. They have only been in Reykjavik for a short time but they are a very experienced company northern Iceland and highly recommend them, especially if you are interested in a more intimate trip.

  • Compte inactif

    Compte inactif


    Une petite agence discrète, à quelques mètres des vendeurs de tickets. Un accueil très aimable et des conditions de prix plus intéressantes que les nombreux concurrents sur le port. Le bateau, l'Ambassador, est une puissante vedette militaire reconditionnée, à taille humaine. Ambiance très sympathique, un capitaine chaleureux et sincère, une guide adorable. Vous ne trouverez pas mieux sur le port ! Si la mer est très agitée, aucun bateau ne sera jamais assez confortable. Partez plutôt par beau temps et par mer calme...

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