Avis i Keflavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Keflavikurflugvöllur,, 235 Keflavík, Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 591 4000
internet side: www.avis.is
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 63.9967616, Longitude: -22.6231751

kommentar 5

  • Manuel Wendel

    Manuel Wendel


    First I thought, cueing is bad. Turned out getting the keys was even worse. Took us more than 30 minutes to get them, once we were at the desk. Just so you know, we had made a reservation months ahead.

  • en

    Jason Lhies


    The receptionist was a crook! She scared us to death with "volcanic particles" that can scratch the paint on the car which could lead to a charge up to 20,000 euros. That is bull because even under extreme windy weather conditions on the south coast, it did nothing to our car! Plus she gave us incorrect insurance fees where not only it was incorrect in the currency we wanted to pay but also we were eventually charged in Icelandic Krona, which cost us even more. What is also outstanding is that the insurance fees were more than the initial price we paid for the car. I definitely do NOT recommend renting a car with them! Iceland is expensive enough so keep your money away from them!

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    Marie Papadopoulos


    Utterly dissatisfied with my car lease. Chose AVIS for better prices and service but turned out it was worse than other companies I've previously rented from. Had initially rented a Ford Fiesta for 112£ for 5 days online, with basic damage waiver insurance but was 'threatened' by the staff once arriving at pick-up to purchase extra insurance. In fact, they forced me to buy a collision damage insurance as well as an insurance for 'natural damages' (supposedly sand that can scratch the paint of the car or ashes from the volcanoes...), which clearly WASN'T needed! Nature in Iceland is indeed different than other European countries but AVIS is clearly trying to make extra money out of this! I was thus charged an extra 170£ on my card - despite initially saying this would cost me 150£. Stay away from them if you do not want to waste your money!!!

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    Victor Peren


    A little slow at pickup. No sense of urgency. Return was quick and efficient. Staff was friendly.

  • Marc-H. Le Noir

    Marc-H. Le Noir


    Conseil aux voyageurs, si vous devez louer un véhicule, évitez absolument l' agence Avis Budget de l'aéroport de Keyflavik, dont les pratiques sont détestables. Ils vous proposent de compléter le plein au retour pour ne pas avoir à vous en préoccuper, sans surcout. Et vous facturent en réalité la totalité d'un plein alors qu'il ne manquait qu'un quart de carburant à la restitution du véhicule. Multiplié par le nombre de locations, vous imaginez le bénéfice que se fait Avis Car Rental avec cette pratique ! A fuir ! Et si vous ne pouvez faire autrement, surtout faites le plein vous même au retour pour éviter de vous faire escroquer.

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