Bessastaðir i Álftanes

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Álftanes, Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 540 4400
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Latitude: 64.1058966, Longitude: -21.9957012

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ben Hurst


    There can't be many countries you can walk up to the leaders front door and give it a knock, not that we did! A very secluded home with a church in front. A beautiful vista all around to take in. Highly recommend a visit as it is on the way from Reykjavik to Keflavik and is a very nice drive to get there.

  • Jon Ware

    Jon Ware


    This an excellent stop for tourists, but especially for those of us from America that are used to seeing government residences with high security. There's very little at this presidential residence, which is in stark contrast with other presidential residences around the world. During our visit we saw both the president and the first Lady and both were quite nice. The structure isn't all too impressive, but the lack of security along with the great views make this home well worth the stop.

  • Andrea Nobile

    Andrea Nobile


    posto molto carino da vedere

  • Reynir Erlingsson

    Reynir Erlingsson


    Guðni flottur forseti alþýðlegur maður

  • en

    Jason Medd


    The presidents house and worthy of the name. The grounds are open and accessible to the public. No security and our guide said that he meets the president walking his dog from time to time. No tours inside however. It's just a place for a quick stop and a few photos.

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