Bjórgarðurinn i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Þórunnartún, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 531 9030
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Latitude: 64.144607, Longitude: -21.9097021

kommentar 5

  • rajiv tinaikar

    rajiv tinaikar


    Great beer selections. Nice staff

  • en

    S Hare


    Lovely atmosphere and great food. The sausage and bun were very tasty but omg the sweet potato fries. They were just delicious. I honestly could have eaten them all day. I'd go again just for the fries. Seriously good.

  • David Turner

    David Turner


    Even though not officially the Foss Hotel’s Bar. It is in the same building and has direct access. As such it is very busy (and quite pricey, even during happy hour). Saying that, the beer selection is vast and the staff attentive & friendly. The bar does serve food too, though this is also expensive (even for Iceland).

  • Thomas Thompson

    Thomas Thompson


    The largest selection of Beer on tap in Iceland 22 draught Lines. Top quality tapl system. Excellent service and interesting pub menu.

  • Russell Levine

    Russell Levine


    I went to this place because I heard they have a vegan sausage available on the menu. I ordered it and it was delicious. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a vegetarian meal in Reykjavik. They also have an extensive beer menu with many local and imported beer options. The place is comfortable and a nice place to grab a bite and a drink.

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