Block Burger í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandBlock Burger



🕗 opnunartími

Skólavörðustígur 8, Bakhús / Car Park Side, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 511 0011
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.145705, Longitude: -21.932739

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Tony Nickonchuk


    What a great little place. It's literally 50 metres off Skolavordustigur, a main shopping street leading up the Hallgrimskirkja, the massive church in downtown Reykjavik. Eating out in Iceland is very expensive, especially if you take your kids. But here we got four burgers and fries, with unlimited soda refills for Kr 5990 ($77 CAD). That's less than $20 CAD a person . Which is UNHEARD of here. And free refills? Also unheard of here. The burgers were incredible. Simple, delicious, perfect. And the fries. Oh my gosh the fries. Easily the best I've had in Reykjavik. Not even a contest. They get their potatoes from Cavendish in PEI, Canada. Which is why they're so damn good :-) But the best part? The service. We love Iceland. Been here three times. But the service at restaurants leaves something to be desired. Not here. They jumped to the till, ready to take our order. Made a couple of exceptions for our picky kids, the food came out super quick, and they did it all with a big smile. This is honestly one of the best dining experiences I've had in Iceland. And I've stayed a combined 27 days here in the last three years. Can't beat it for a quick, affordable, delicious and friendly lunch .

  • en

    Paul Na


    Great burger, made to order. Hot and fresh, and tasted great. A must stop in Reykjavík.

  • Jason Greene

    Jason Greene


    Block burger kicks butt. In fact, it kicks the butt of Chuck Norris around just about any block you can imagine. This place is no nonsense and focuses on good food rather than witty (read: stupid) comments on the wall. They couldn't afford the prime real estate that Chuck Norris Grill got because they charged a reasonable rate for darn good food instead of up-charging for sheep dung. Choose this over any other burger place in town! Take the time to figure out how to find it in the middle of the block because it IS still open.

  • en

    Nagendra Setty


    A couple reasons for my 5* review. First, the Basic Block Combo burger was well-seasoned, fresh, hot, and the toppings were good. As somewhat of an aficionado in burger joints, I enjoyed the burger quite a bit and got a little bit of home after a month on the road. Second, the fries come hot, crisp, flavorful and a nice amount of them. In a country in which food is on the expensive end by any standard, it's nice to leave content with the quality and volume. Finally, the restaurant refills soft drinks without an additional charge. As mentioned in the previous note, that's not common here. So, I'd recommend you check it out if you're hungry for burger in the style of In-n-Out in my San Francisco hood.

  • is

    Flosi Torfason


    Best fries in Reykjavík.

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