Blue Car Rental, Reykjavik office í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandBlue Car Rental, Reykjavik office



🕗 opnunartími

22, Fiskislóð, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 773 7070
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1552862, Longitude: -21.9464379

athugasemdir 5

  • Philip Cheung

    Philip Cheung


    Only had one staff working, so there was a quite a wait... and every minute matters in Iceland during the winter when there are very few hours of sunlight. However once it was our turn, the staff got our car, and provided us everything we needed to have a fun and safe trip. Our vehicle was clean and was very safe to drive in. Highly recommended.

  • michael kong

    michael kong


    Great car and good price. I changed from booking 24 hours before my pickup date and they made the change without charging me the price difference. They even let me pick up the car 3 hours early. Would rent from them again!!

  • Sarah Sebring

    Sarah Sebring


    Such a great car rental company! Everyone we were in contact with were incredibly professional and nice. Our car was in great condition and had no trouble at all, make sure you get all the available insurance as Iceland roads and weather can be pretty unpredictable! Definitely recommend to others and will use them again. Thanks for everything!

  • Jacob Nance

    Jacob Nance


    Total scam to get deductible money. Working with this third party mechanic to get your money. They don't fully inspect when you rent a car. They don't fully inspect when you turn in either. Instead they just look for 1 item to claim as damage that wasn't on the last report. They will heavily dispute you, even when you have photos before hand showing the damage was already there. Car had low tire pressure when we rented it. Had to correct it ourself.

  • en

    Steindal Frode


    Excellent service. Very fast pick up and drop off. Also: - very easy to make online reservation (great website) - very good order summary - very good booking confirmation - very good information on how to pick up the car - very good information close to the start of the rental periode, regarding final preparations All in all: A seamless rental experience. I give them my best recommendation and I will definitely use them again.

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