Blue Lagoon Spa IS

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandBlue Lagoon Spa


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240 Grindavík,, Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 420 8800
internet side:
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Latitude: 63.8794074, Longitude: -22.445376

kommentar 5

  • Flávio Braz

    Flávio Braz


    Maravilhosa superou minhas expectativas físicas visuais e energéticas. Voltarei como terapeuta em breve abraços

  • en



    Super tourist and extremely expensive! We couldn’t believe when we saw that there were hundreds of towels of all the guests put on a few spots, what a big mess. The blue lagoon should address this problem...

  • Gianni Perniceni

    Gianni Perniceni


    Bellissima SPA che merita una visita anche se i prezzi non sono tra i più economici. Fatevi lo scrub con le creme che distribuiscono delle hostess con cuffia all'interno delle zone termali.

  • Heidi Blais

    Heidi Blais


    Tourist trap. I felt like I was at the airport terminal with all of the controls, departures and arrivals. At least at the airport I'm allowed to enjoy my own lunch. I was shooed for nibbling at a leftover sandwich in the outside cafe area. The most effective muscle relaxation I got was from the sauna; Unfortunately the blue lagoon itself wasn't warm enough for a deep soak. The rest area is located on the mezzanine above the cafe and is therefore loud and metallic. There are only a handful of lawn chairs with no reclining back support which occasionally tip back unsuspected, startling the peace. This place has very little in the way of creating intimacy. However it is clean and that is always appreciated.

  • Nicolás O. Bonzo Suárez

    Nicolás O. Bonzo Suárez


    Es un lugar muy turístico,pero que vale la pena para terminar el viaje a Islandia.

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