Brauð & Co i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandBrauð & Co



🕗 åbningstider

11, Fákafen, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 456 7777
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.1295322, Longitude: -21.8646066

kommentar 5

  • Trym Norman Sannes

    Trym Norman Sannes


    Foodgasm, bread is the best!!!

  • Djamal Mohamed

    Djamal Mohamed


    Good variety of baked products, with some reinvention on the use of puff pastry and on the shape of the bakes. Definitely worth checking, especially for the different types of bread they offer (sourdough, seeds, etc...)

  • Handmade Jewellery by caraejdesigns

    Handmade Jewellery by caraejdesigns


    Stopped by this store 3 times on our holiday because of how great our first visit was. Staff super friendly and the pastries are to die for. On our last day we stopped in for breakfast, and the gentleman serving was so friendly and helpful, he gave us loads of info about the different products and advised us the best coffee in the store. After we made our purchase, he gave us a vanilla roll for free because he said we absolutely had to try them (it was delicious). The funny thing, which he had no idea about, was that it was my birthday! Great place, highly recommend.

  • en

    Matthew Smith


    The best cinnamon whirl I’ve ever had! Still warm and so tasty!

  • Owen Fiene

    Owen Fiene


    Best in the world.

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