Bus Terminal Reykjavik i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandBus Terminal Reykjavik


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101 Reykjavík, Island
kontakter telefon: +354 580 5400
internet side: www.re.is
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Latitude: 64.1372668, Longitude: -21.93442

kommentar 5

  • Robertas Visockis

    Robertas Visockis


    No bus to aip from 20.00 to 03.00, ice cold metal seats, there is a useless wifi. One of the worst bus stations I've ever been in my life. Only plus is that its in a 20 min walk distance from city centre.

  • Lisa Morlan

    Lisa Morlan


    Walkable from the city. Fly busses were on time. Seats/waiting area are nothing special, however I did see some people sleeping. This is a convenient way to get from airport and town. I had to call multiple times to change my pick up reservation time and everyone was very helpful

  • Erica Kane

    Erica Kane


    It's the bus stop. What more do you want? It's walkable from the city- though a bit of a ways- probably 20 minutes. There is a little waiting space but not much and some luggage storage.

  • Jeremy Mankin

    Jeremy Mankin


    Don’t take the airport bus here, take it to your hotel. It’s a good 20 min walk if you want to get from here to the city center hotels.

  • ko



    투어가격은 좀 비싸지만 스케줄 펑크는 안나는거 같아서 예약했고 만족했다. 여러개 예약하면 싸서 골든서클, 사우스해변, 블루라군, 요쿨살롱, 그리고 하나는 등산4시간하고 온천30분쯤?하는거에 가이드 붙여주는거였는데 지금은 없는거 같다. 골든서클이 젤 기본적으로 볼 게 많고 요쿨살롱은 버스타는 시간이 매우 길지만 볼 가치는 있다. 해변코스가 의외로 좋았다. 중간에 식사선택하는거 양고기스프였는데 맛이 꽤 좋았다.

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