Cosyness Cottage í Hafnir

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ÍslandCosyness Cottage


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Hafnir Reykjanesbær, 233 Hafnir, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 892 9603
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9282796, Longitude: -22.6887631

athugasemdir 3

  • Paul Mason

    Paul Mason


  • Aaron Howe

    Aaron Howe


    There are some things worth noting when considering renting Cosyness Cottage - since their listing doesn't seem to be on TripAdvisor anymore you may struggle to find details. Firstly, the cottage is remote. Hafnir is a small fishing village on the coast, not well known and not served with public transport so you will need a vehicle. I would advise a 4x4 since access to the cottage is via a gravel track which has many pot holes and is hard to drive on. The cottage is also split into three parts: the main house has a lounge and kitchen, with a loft bedroom above which has been split into two small twin bedded areas; these are accessed via VERY steep stairs. A master bedroom is located to the side in a separate annex and a further lounge is located opposite, all with their own keys (keep them with you when moving between locations!). This means that if you plan to travel with children you must make sure they know how to traverse the stairs (or use the gate provided) and you'll have to be safe knowing you're sleeping in a different building effectively - and you'll have to slam the door to lock it. The hot tub is supposed to be adjustable but when we tried to use the padlock on the controls area it would not turn, so we had to make do with the temperature as it was - which was too hot to get in as soon as the lid of the tub was removed. If you plan to use it then take the lid off an hour or so before you plan to enter, or you may be hurt. There is no provision of toiletries and any kitchen items are as they were left by previous guests so bring your own if you can, or be prepared to buy them. This is a rental home, not a hotel, so you should not expect anything to be there and if it is then you are lucky. Likewise expect to clean before you leave, there is no cleaner coming by, and hope the person before you also did a proper job of it. The track to and from the grassland where you can park is often wet and muddy. If you're taking any excursions or want to travel around, buy some waterproof overtrousers - they are not expensive and will be necessary. Wear boots, not trainers in Iceland or you will suffer. The path to the sea is made of slippery rocks, do not leave children unattended to play there. The wifi is a mobile phone connection and very limited - the TV service is IP based so if the signal goes you will have no wifi and no TV - this can happen during bad weather. Prepare to use your own phone if you need directions, e-mails etc. Finally note that some of the owners manual is out of date (for example, TV operation) and some things which may be helpful like oven controls are not listed. Again, this is not a hotel - prepare to have to work things out!

  • en

    Thom Gimber


    This places is GREAT! Four of us visited and this was out base for our time in Iceland. Isolated down it's own private road, your privacy is observed at all times. It's located a minute walk from the beach/coastline with ferocious waves crashing constantly, which provides plenty of photo opportunities in itself! Always warm, with a good shower and plenty of space. Equipped kitchen for preparing meals, very hot water and some TV channels (when you're snowed in!) And even a stable internet connection! The hot tub is fantastic and stays constantly very hot. When I go back to Iceland this will be my first place to look at booking.

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