Mar Guesthouse í Grindavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandMar Guesthouse



🕗 opnunartími

Hafnargata, 240, Grindavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 856 5792
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.842888, Longitude: -22.423858

athugasemdir 5

  • Petr Novák

    Petr Novák


    Celkem slušné ubytování nedaleko Modré laguny (10 minut autem) a letiště v Keflavíku (30 minut autem). 1. Budova je nová, ale spíš než guesthouse připomíná ubytovnu. Nemohl jsem se zbavit dojmu, že část klientely tvoří Poláci, kteří pracují nedaleko. 2. Pokoje jsou spíše menší, ale je v nich funkční topení, skříň s ramínky, stůl i televize. 3. Sociální zařízení je sdílené pro celé patro. Z hlediska čistoty bez výhrad. 4. Za stav kuchyně strhávám hvězdičku. Vybavení je poškozené či zcela nefunkční a nadmíru špinavé. 5. Přímo před guesthousem je parkování zdarma. 6. Internet je zdarma, nicméně je velmi pomalý až nepoužitelný. 7. Během jednodenního pobytu jsem si nevšiml, že by někdo byl na recepci. Check-in proběhl automaticky, kdy byly klíče uloženy ve schránce chráněné číselným kódem.

  • Giuliana G.

    Giuliana G.


    This was a great place to stay while visiting Iceland. The staff was friendly and made me feel at home. I fad nice conversations with Klara. From my heart, thank you. Hope to return someday.

  • Pam Schommer

    Pam Schommer


    Great location. Easy check in. Good rooms. Common area a bit dirty, but overall still very nice.

  • en

    Gene Berg


    Trendy hotel , beautiful spacious rooms with cathedral ceilings, and great amenities (shared kitchen with refrigeration). The room rates are also extremely affordable. Although you share 4 full baths with showers per floor, we never had to wait. The staff is also extremely friendly. However be certain you check in between 2pm and 6pm, since there will be no one at the desk later than that. They need to post after-hours check-in instructions. Be sure to get the owner's email address when you make reservations. You can use their WIFI and password to E-mail the owner, who will give you a numeric key code to punch in to a magnetically locked key box to get your key and get in the room.

  • en

    Kirt Winter


    Other than when checking in I never saw any employee of the place. That's not necessarily a complaint, as I had no issues with the clean and spacious room at a reasonable (for Iceland) rate. Couldn't figure out how to see anything on TV but who goes to Iceland to watch TV anyway? It's a bit isolated feeling, but a good base for exploring the Southwest corner of Iceland.

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