Dollar rent a car i Keflavík

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IslandDollar rent a car



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3, Blikavöllur, 235 Keflavík, Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 515 7110
internet side:
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Latitude: 63.998218, Longitude: -22.6299581

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephen Barker


    Beware if you are an American! We rented a van for 5 people online before arriving. We were given a beat up French Citrone van. It smelled like chemicals, the GPS would not work and it was all dinged up and the alignment was messed up. We exchanged it the next day for a newer horrible citrone and the GPS still would not work. I asked if there were any other brands of vans but was told " no", as I did not want a french car, my reservation said Ford. When I went to return the vehicle I saw many other non US renters that were given Ford vans. I think they reserve the bad French ones for the US citizens. Not cool. Also had to wait 20 min to turn the van in. Horrible service, do not recommend. FYI we rented under my wifes name- Pattie Holden. At both locations we were told the citronen was the onky available van. The first rental was really horrible, the 2nd newer van was slightly better.

  • Jan Schmidt

    Jan Schmidt


    Straight forward and helpful car rental. What more is there to say?

  • en

    Christine Miller


    They were very responsive to our requests (we didn't want the SUV with a tire repair kit, wanted a real replacement tire common in U.S. vehicles) and gave us an upgrade free of charge. The car handled the road very well, and performed perfectly on snow (we really needed the 4-wheel drive on roads in the town of Akureyri). Though we were certain we had suffered some gravel damage from a passing truck and were prepared to fill out a claim with our charge card company, they were honest and informed us that the damage we spotted in the first daylight hours of our trip was already there when we rented the vehicle. Although the rental office was a few hundred feet offsite from the terminal, it was easy to find on the return and the shuttle comes often enough to make the whole rental experience easy.

  • Daryl Fitzpatrick

    Daryl Fitzpatrick


    Like anyone reading this review I spent hours trawling the web doing the same before booking. The booking process was simple via their website, with no deposit needed. When I wanted to amend my booking they responded to my e-mail straight away. They didn't have the car I booked (Volvo XC70 but gave me a Ford Edge instead). There were no issues with the condition of the car upon returning it, however I did purchase the most expensive CDW which meant that the excess or deductible was £nil anyway (The costs and deductibles are clearly shown on their website during the quotation process). The staff were friendly and the shuttle bus which serves all of the car hire companies was prompt.

  • Dave Bowen

    Dave Bowen


    5 stars for the car options, condition, and ease of booking. 3 stars for the staff. They aren't bad but seem to be highly inconvenienced to do the normal check in procedure. I would understand if I asked for something additional, but all we asked for was the car we payed for.

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