Elfa Guðmundsdóttir Tannlæknir DDS, MS i Kópavogur

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IslandElfa Guðmundsdóttir Tannlæknir DDS, MS



🕗 åbningstider

14, Hlíðasmári, 201, Kópavogur, IS Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 564 6250
internet side: www.tannlaeknir.is
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 64.095993, Longitude: -21.8891931

kommentar 1

  • Anna Jonna Ármannsdóttir

    Anna Jonna Ármannsdóttir


    To be honest and fair in my review I must say that we are cousins, so I am not going to talk about her, cause she is so good, and it would not be credible if I said something like that so I wont. Instead I would like to mention her coworkers. They make you feel good and comfortable and they are thorough and precise. I can not imagine a better group of people, working together to keep my teeths nice and healthy. The location is just lovely, parking is no problem, always a parking space. There is really nothing I can point my finger at regarding their service, but if I wanted to be a bit bitchy, I'd say the fish tank should go, cause it reminds me of Nemo. ;) There is no clown fish in it, but still, it is just me. :)

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