Firefly Car Rental - Keflavík Airport i Keflavík

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IslandFirefly Car Rental - Keflavík Airport



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Ferjutröð, 262, Keflavík, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 522 0022
internet side:
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Latitude: 63.9638217, Longitude: -22.5731608

kommentar 5

  • Payal Patel

    Payal Patel


    Worst experience ever. They accused us of stealing gas. (WHAT!) For the record, EVERY gas station in Iceland requires you to pre-pay or buy a gas card!! They told us they have video of us and I asked them to show us the footage but they said it would take a couple of hours to obtain it; they were clearly lying. We had all of our gas receipts but they made us pay $46 to 'pay for stolen gas' or they wouldn't allow us to return the car. I argued SO much but got no where with them. They are complete sleezeballs.

  • en

    Sunny Circle


    Painful experience with FireFly airport shuttle. We expected them for about an hour, they came even later then we were supposed to already drive the rented car and didn't even have space for all 4 of us. Promised to return to pick us up all together in 20 minutes ... 40 minutes later he was nowhere to be seen. The employees are hardworking but just too few: only 2 people taking care of everything. Simply not enough ... FireFly, if you're reading this, do yourself a favor and hire more people!

  • en

    Hassan Saleem


    wish i had read the reviews before booking. Got to the airport and had to wait 35 minutes before anyone showed up for "meet and greet". The car rental was fine (although the vehicle had many scrathes and wheel caps missing). Dropped the car back and was checked over by a colleague, no damage on the car car reported- everything fine so far. Got home to find an email a few days later about "damage we have found on the car". i mean, really? your colleague checked the car thoroughly upon return and there was no damage. Then you are emailing me days later to tell me the windscreen is cracked?? I feel like this is a way firefly are trying to make extra income. i protested and will not be paying ANYTHING! however, i feel like this must happen to other people too and they pay without fighting the scam! only upside is that the staff working in the office and doing airport runs are nice.

  • Chintan Malbari

    Chintan Malbari


    Had a horrible experience. Was charged random fees at check out and they would not let me leave without paying it. Switch and bait. Horrible car conditions. Hard to find, never picked up there phones. Do yourself a favor and do not rent from these'll end up paying the same going with a better company.I wished I read the reviews prior to booking! I'll post copy of my receipt when I get a moment.

  • Mark Maynard

    Mark Maynard


    Booked the car on a price comparison site and stipulated that we wanted a 6pm pick up. They accepted our booking with this information. The office closes at 5:30pm, we had to go back to the airport to hire a car from another company. Edit: They refused to give us a refund as well. Avoid this company and don't believe the lies that they've posted in response to my review. This is a terrible company with no interest in customer service. Check their reviews on other sites too.

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