Fosshotel Dalvik i Dalvík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandFosshotel Dalvik


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18, Skíðabraut, 620, Dalvík, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 466 3395
internet side:
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Latitude: 65.9676132, Longitude: -18.5323987

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eric Lau


    Clean, simple rooms. Feels like a dormitory.

  • Claire Murphy

    Claire Murphy


    This was by far, my favorite hotel and best experience in Iceland. We arrived a little on the late side and the lovely couple who own the hotel were incredibly friendly and helpful. We were the only guests and they were kind enough to open just for us despite it technically being their off-season. They also went through the trouble of putting together a breakfast spread for us in the morning. We enjoyed our experience so much, we decided to stay and extra day! I highly recommend Hotel Dalvik!!

  • Jiří Vrobel

    Jiří Vrobel


    The hotel is located on the main road to Dalvík from the south, easy to be found. From outside it does not look very attractive and the rooms are fully occupied by large beds, so not much additional space is left. However, the staff is friendly and the breakfast... finally there is breakfast which included as well the fish - marinated matjes, fish salad and some other. Location is close to the center (Dalvík is small anyway) and overall it was good choice.

  • zh-Hant

    Jenny Cheng



  • de

    Gabi DiDiomede


    Wer unbedingt mal hin möchte, sollte nicht zu viel vom Hotel 🏨 erwarten, sauber, klein aber zu teuer.

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