Go Campers Iceland i Hafnarfjordur

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IslandGo Campers Iceland



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Helluhraun, Hafnarfjordur, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 517 7900
internet side: www.gocampers.is
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Latitude: 64.0764603, Longitude: -21.9445461

kommentar 5

  • Scott Gorski

    Scott Gorski


    Great campers! Got the 3-pax for trip around the ring road. Appreciated having the counter space, sink and cooler. Heater kept us warm at night in sub-zero temperatures. Would definitely recommend.

  • Chelsea Dunn

    Chelsea Dunn


    Fairly priced, friendly staff, flexible, and a comfy little home on wheels. You cant go wrong with Go Campers for touring Iceland. We had a great time, James was helpful and courteous. Thank you Go Campers!

  • Laurent Knapen

    Laurent Knapen


    Excellente expérience. Service impeccable, voiture en très bon état. A recommander !

  • Erika Stiebel

    Erika Stiebel


    If you're Camping, GoCamper is a must! They have a large variety of campers from small to large and 4X4 as well. They're clean and comfortable and very Very comfortable and basic campers but they have so many add ons that it makes it super easy and fun! They give you all the information you need for road conditions, weather, and even about must see locations! Extremely friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff. They make all of their rules and guidelines very clear, it can't be easier. 12/10, would rent from GoCamper again. They were also nice enough to drop us off at our bus stop with clear direction on how to get back to the city!

  • David Guix Sanchez

    David Guix Sanchez


    Almost the first thing you experience when you get to Iceland is the fantastic service from their staff. Sveinn was very cool and gave us lots of good tips and info. The camper van we got was a Lite3 for my girlfriend and myself so plenty of space, modern vehicle and everything you need to enjoy Iceland. If I only had to change something, it would be to include more storage space at the back for small things like toiletries, camera, phone, etc (like a shelf or bags with zips on the sides). I totally recommend GoCampers!

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