Hallgrimskirkja i Reykjavík

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101, Hallgrímstorg, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 510 1000
internet side: www.hallgrimskirkja.is
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Latitude: 64.1417149, Longitude: -21.926637

kommentar 5

  • 張智堯



    One of the must-visit site in Reykjavik. Simple but stunning design makes it a good place for photography. I was so lucky to witness northern lights above the church. That view will never be forgotten during my life. It is certainly worth a visit. Also, its location is quite convenient, easy to access and find.

  • Lizzie McLean

    Lizzie McLean


    Beautifully designed church, it's huge so you can spot it from nearly anywhere in the city. The Leif Erikson statue out front adds an extra bit of awesome to this church. It's located in the center of Reykjavik so it's not too far a walk from anywhere and is surrounded with cool shops and restaurants. Definitely worth the short walk to view.

  • Alex Petty

    Alex Petty


    A stunning church that feels like it should be a cathedral. Positioned near to the centre of town, this is well worth a visit. The facade is very impressive and the overall simple design makes for a photogenic building. The inside structure has clear lines and is also worth seeing. Entrance to the church is free - worth checking online if there is a service. We took the lift and the few flights of stairs to the top of the tower. The observation room gives stunning views over Reykjavik and beyond - well worth the 1000isk per person.

  • Kevin Grimshaw

    Kevin Grimshaw


    Huge church in Reykjavik. Took over 40 years to finish building it and it is well worth it. Really beautiful inside. We were lucky enough to have someone playing the organ while we were there and it sounded magnificent. You can pay to go up to the top of the tower for excellent views over the city and I would say it was money well spent.

  • Alex Dyne

    Alex Dyne


    Although an impressive structure, this was not really to my liking. It was impressive to walk up to, and the scale is impressive, but cast concrete really doesn't do it for me - I am rather spoilt with the older and beautiful churches and cathedrals of England, so this as at odds in terms of architecture and spartan adornment. Although I do like minimalism in architecture, it did not strike me as particularly welcome as tend to find churches. However, it was replete with the appropriate peacefulness one would expect of a holy place, and there were some rather wonderful features such as the font and the ceiling is impressive. However, I didn't get the Palm tree lurking in the corner... The views from the tower are impressive, and I could not capture a good enough picture to fully embody the view - Iceland has a stark beauty that can be seen from every angle of the tower, but the pictures do not do it justice. The view is only really accessible if you can squeeze yourself in to the rather small "windows", so may not be suitable for some.

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