Hárskeri Almúgans - Common Joes barbershop i Reykjavík

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IslandHárskeri Almúgans - Common Joes barbershop


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62, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 562 2540
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 64.1442819, Longitude: -21.9222774

kommentar 5

  • Robertson Marine Services

    Robertson Marine Services


    Not recommended - asked specifically if he could do a certain style (skin fade) and was assured he could. The end result was nothing like what was requested, even after showing him photos. No attempt was made at a skin fade. The equipment and knowledge was not there to create such a style. What may have been popular in the 90's is not the same now. Men's Hair styling has become technical and this shop has not kept up. I had to go home to get my hair style fixed. My own stylist at home was shocked and asked what happened to my hair. Furthermore the equipment had not been cleaned from the last customer, hairbrushes looked like they had been used to brush a dog. Avoid. Anyone who gives this place 5 stars, has never had a good hair cut before.

  • en

    Tomasz Gacioch


    the worst hairstyle I've ever had. seeing that three people are waiting for me, put my hair and beard in 10 minutes. he did not try at all. I saw that he used the same brush for me on another customer. Not recomendet

  • JTsLiP



  • Jakob Frímann

    Jakob Frímann


    Klikkar ekki hann Jökull. Fljót og mjög góð þjónusta í mjög sjarmerandi rakarastofu. Hann er búinn að vinna sér inn einn fasta kúnna. Great atmospheric walk-in barbershop. Quick and great service. My third time and I've just found my regular barbershop.

  • Ben Hunter

    Ben Hunter


    My second visit to Harskeri Almugans, this time getting both my hair and beard trimmed by the skillful Jökull. Fantastic shop with an owner who not only has passion for his craft but the talent that follows that passion. Fantastic atmosphere with a friendly barber!

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