Hertz i Keflavík International Airport

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Keflavík International Airport, Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 522 4400
internet side: www.hertz.is
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Latitude: 63.9967509, Longitude: -22.6227624

kommentar 5

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    Alex T


    Very smooth from start to finish. Car was upgraded without even asking. Also to my surprise, all vehicles came with studded snow tires (this proved to be very useful!!). The only thing is that we did not get a snow brush with the vehicle so we had to go buy one at the gas station. We had no issues with the damage on the car but it goes without saying: always take pictures of the entire car before you set off just incase you need to prove any existing damage later on. Returning the car was a breeze as well, the only thing they scrutinized was to see if there was any damage on the door hinges due to wind gusts.

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    Bjarni Hallfreðsson


    I picked up a car at Keflavík airport, and there was no line at the desk so I could pick up the car right away. Picking up the car was very easy. The Hertz staff was amazing. There was a blonde girl that gave us the car and when we got the car we got a free upgrade to a bigger car, that was nice. The shift manager gave us a free map of Iceland and a free water bottle, which was very nice after a long flight. They were both very helpful and told us to take another look at the car before we drove away. We found a small scratch on the car that was not marked on the damage report. When we went back inside to let the staff know about the scratch there was a guy with glasses that talked to us and marked the scratch on the damage report and was very helpful. He also gave us very helpful tips of what to see in Iceland. The car was great and there were no problem with it. When we returned the car the same people were working! It was very nice, because we felt like we knew them. They inspected the car for a minute, and there was no problem. Then the blonde girl offered us a ride to the airport that was very nice because it was very windy. I give Hertz Keflavik 10 out of 10. Amazing staff, good car and a nice experience

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    Herbert Oberhaensli


    Beware of Hertz Keflavik. The long list of extra insurance they want you to buy, and their warning 'check your car and take fotos' (when you have to pick it up on a rather dark parking lot) might tell you what to expect in the end. And indeed, when returning the car they searched very carefully, discovered a minute dent in the windshield and made us pay for repairing it (no idea how they calculated/decided the cost they charged). They very well know that people are in a hurry to catch their flight...

  • Ivar Hauglid

    Ivar Hauglid


    Forstår ikke hvorfor det er så mange negative anmeldelser. Vi var en familie på 2 voksne og 3 barn. Vi fikk en Skoda som fungerte veldig bra for oss. Bilen var klar når vi skulle hente den og det var enkelt å få levert den. Anbefaler Hertz på det varmeste. Ivar

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    Charlotte Kaas Hansen


    Great and friendly service. The employee was very honest about which insurances we shouldn't worry about getting. We gave the car a quick look-over, noted a couple of scratches and were on our way. We drove around Iceland for 10 days, including restricted roads, loads of gravel and such, so I was pretty worried about getting scratches on the car. But the return went quickly and smoothly, even though there were around 15 cars there to be returned. The girl doing the check was so nice and friendly, we had no trouble at all. Would definitely recommend using Hertz.

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