Hotel Eyjar i Heimaey

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandHotel Eyjar


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Bárustígur 2, Heimaey, Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 481 3636
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Latitude: 63.4420012, Longitude: -20.2693861

kommentar 5

  • en



    We waited over an hour trying to get ahold of someone to get us a room key. As others have stated there is no reception, so this led to us standing around for over an hour, calling the hotel number over 20+ times with no answer. Finally, we wandered into the breakfast room where there was a folded up note with a few handwritten numbers that we tried and FINALLY got ahold of someone. When she finally came to let us in, she informed us that there would be no breakfast even though we had already paid extra when booking our room to include the breakfast.

  • Richard Jung

    Richard Jung


    Small,clean little place right in the city centre. Lovely owners.

  • Alessandro Bahgat

    Alessandro Bahgat


    Location was great. The hotel is right by the harbour, just 5' walk from the ferry. Our room was a bit dated, which I normally wouldn't mind if it weren't for the price I paid.

  • Kristjan Kristjansson

    Kristjan Kristjansson


    Met the owner... Great guy. The place has local character but is then pleasantly upgraded while offering great value.

  • Maxence Vincent

    Maxence Vincent


    Bon, l'hotel en soi, est agréable, les chambres spacieuses aux vues du prix. Mais , il n'y a personne pour vous recevoir. Vous devez appelez, par téléphone, le gérant pour qu'il vous dise quel chambre prendre. C'est spécial...

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