Hotel Grásteinn i Reykjanesbær

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandHotel Grásteinn


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Bolafótur, 260, Reykjanesbær, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 421 5200
internet side:
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Latitude: 63.9849831, Longitude: -22.5537639

kommentar 5

  • Michael Power

    Michael Power


    We got put in this hotel as our flight was cancelled the manager here went out of his way to help us any way he could the room was very clean and tidy, slightly basic but had all you would need, breakfast was a continental style and was good, thank you for our brief stay and would highly recommend your hotel there is disabled access, restroom and a dining and outdoor area. The rooms are over 2 floors.

  • fr

    Guillaume SIRET


    Chambre sympa et spacieuse. Pratique car pas loin de l'aéroport. Petit déjeuner vraiment pas au top par contre...

  • en

    David Lamme


    All flights from Keflavik were canceled so I was put up here for the night. The owners are tremendous and treat you like family. The rooms are very clean and comfortable and the breakfast was quite nice. Since most rescheduled flights weren't leaving until 1715, the owners ordered pizza for all the stranded travelers for lunch. It's very close to the airport and a great option if you don't want to make the trip into Reykjavik.

  • Peter Babel

    Peter Babel


    We had a great, short stay here. The staff was extremely nice, and rooms are much bigger than most European hotels and even Airbnb's. The breakfast was delicious and plentiful. This place didn't have the 'smelly' water either and shower is modern and spacious. The water isn't really that bad anyway, just let it run for a while. It's a great spot near the airport and couple of cool sights around the peninsula. If you have a day or two to spend here, this hotel is a great spot to park your tired body at.

  • isabelbrinck



    LOVED the coffee machine in the breakfast room. Great selection of breakfast foods, including smoked salmon, cereals, etc. Very clean, comfy rooms. Tight compared to North American hotels but otherwise fine. Curtains were basically blackout, but some light does get in around the edges. Towel warmer in the bathroom.

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