Hotel Reykjavik Centrum í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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ÍslandHotel Reykjavik Centrum


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

Grjótagata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 514 6000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1474454, Longitude: -21.9425868

athugasemdir 5

  • Alan Coates

    Alan Coates


    Professional staff and fine restaurant. Comfortable rooms. However some rooms are close to street and there are sound of snow tires at all hours. Ask for room away from street.

  • Malcolm Porter

    Malcolm Porter


    Clean with great service. Bathroom floors were heated which was a nice surprise. I recommend staying here

  • Jennifer H

    Jennifer H


    Stayed here for 4 nights last week. Extremely helpful and friendly staff. The room was nice and clean. The bathroom was also nice although the shower is small (as most European hotels) but has a hair dryer. The breakfast provided was delicious and had ALL the options. Best of all is the location. Close to everything! One block from Bus Stop 1 for excursion pick-ups.

  • Bastiaan Schuite

    Bastiaan Schuite


    Nice boutique hotel, very clean and very well located. We came in high season and the prices (around US$200) per night are in my opinion too high. Although the staff is very kind and helpful, the quality of the pillows (too thin) and cover sheets (polyester) leave certain room for improvement . We were accommodated in a separate building outside of the hotel and the fish market restaurant next door (which is an excellent venue for dining) makes use of a small cabinet in the same building which caused some noise late at night after closing. In the end, we had a great time staying here but considering the price I would have expected more.

  • Mark Linsley

    Mark Linsley


    My stay at the hotel was arranged through my local travel agent where I was able to get a fantastic deal on the room price. The hotel is in a perfect location; only a short walk to most of the go to tourist attractions and the building was modern in the typical Icelandic style. Breakfast came at an extra cost but wasn't much, and more than worth the price; buffet set up of continental and cooked breakfast. The restaurant and bar were warm and welcoming rooms and came with a good drinks and food menu. My room was a fair size, clean and tidy. The room comes with lots of little extras to make your stay easier; toiletries, sewing kit, safe, dry cleaning facilities... Very handy. The staff were all very helpful and pleasant, there is always someone available on reception and they are quick to help and offer advice. The stay was nearly perfect, the only thing that puts me off coming back was the noise from the room above. The floor was wooden so every step sounds like a stamp; you can hear chairs being dragged around and bags dropped constantly if your neighbors are as active as mine were. It's a shame because it can't really be helped; is a room and people have to walk around in it, but it really does come through when you're sat below it. Other than that the stay was fantastic; if I could come back and stay on the second floor I'd have no hesitation... Of course then it would be my footsteps prompting this criticism, wouldn't it...

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