Húsavík Hotels i Húsavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandHúsavík Hotels


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Höfði, 640, Húsavík, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 463 3399
internet side: www.husavikhotels.com
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Latitude: 66.048585, Longitude: -17.3541709

kommentar 5

  • Floorida Bergshoeff

    Floorida Bergshoeff


    Mooi hotel . Lekker eten dicht bij alles. Vriendelijke mensen . Ga walvissen spotten. Het museum eerst bekijken. Zwembad is echt zo leuk . Klein en local.

  • Sylvain Paris

    Sylvain Paris


    Très cosy. Petit déjeuner dans l'hôtel principal. A 2 pas du centre de la ville et du port très animé.

  • Dror Ben David

    Dror Ben David


    Very nice place to stay. The only thing to note is that there are two floors with no elevator - so if you have heavy bags - it might be an issue. Located perfectly and rooms are great too.

  • en

    John Mesham


    Very friendly and helpful staff. Modern accommodations across from the harbor. Cool little town.

  • en

    Gosia Marc


    We stayed here for two nights March 2017, staff were very friendly and helpful. Room and bathroom were clean and we had a view of the bay. We found that the staff went above and beyond by recommending local restaurants and attractions. During breakfast we ran out of orange juice and the staff quickly ran to the grocery store to buy more. Highly recommend.

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