Iceland Car Rental i Reykjavík

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IslandIceland Car Rental



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Knarrarvogur 2, 104 Reykjavík, Island
kontakter telefon: +354 415 2500
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.128281, Longitude: -21.8473881

kommentar 5

  • Chris Craft

    Chris Craft


    Service while picking up the vehicle was adequate and prompt - if not a bit absent. The vehicle we received was also adequate; but had several issues: 1) There was no windshield wiper fluid - so we had to buy some 2) The windshield wipers were in desperate need of replacement 3) The car drifted rather heavily to the right the entire time 4) The battery in the key fob seemed to be failing. Sometimes we would be locked out of the car, and other times we would be unable to lock the car with the key fob. If you're looking for a budget vehicle that will get you around Iceland with no frills - Iceland Car Rental is a good option. However, be sure to check that your vehicle has windshield wiper fluid and working wipers before leaving!

  • Fredy AZU

    Fredy AZU


    After many mails I do have the feeling, this Company is not make a very serious job. We had a reservation (with a early payment) this year. Shortly of our vacation I had to cancel the trip to Iceland (because of an accident). We asked for a refund of our payment and even after 3 months, many e-mails, back and forth, and many "excuses", the money is still not back in our account. Excuses: the accountant is on vacation; I passed your mail to the accounting department; I passed your e-mail directly to our chief (no anser from this part)! I dissuade not to rent a car with this company.

  • Estelle Daves

    Estelle Daves


    After our experience with this agency, we can say that we are completely satisfied. The customer's opinion is important and taken into account. We will return to Iceland and we will take over this agency. Still thank you to Mr. Steinsson for his kindness and professionalism. Après notre expérience avec cette agence, nous pouvons dire que nous sommes entièrement satisfait. L'avis du client est important et pris en compte. Nous retournerons en Islande et nous reprendrons cette agence. Encore merci à M. Steinsson pour sa gentillesse et son professionnalisme.

  • es

    Rodrigo González del Tánago Chanrai


    Mediocre compañia. El GPS funcionaba muy mal. No lo volveria a alquilar. Al devolver el coche mantuvimos una estupida discusion por 3 euros de Gasolina que decian que faltaban y tuve que ir a la gasolinera a ponerlos. Lamentable despues de pagar 900 euros por el coche. El Suzuky Jimmy tenia 92.000 Km, estaba algo viejo, pero andaba bien. No recomiendo mas que el seguro basico, con mas o menos franquicia, pero ninguno mas. No recomiendo esta compañia.

  • Katie Frazzini

    Katie Frazzini


    I would not recommend renting from this company. They have 1 or 2 people working at a time. When we arrived to pick up the car, only 1 person was working. It took over an hour to get a car, even though we reserved in advance. Upon returning the vehicle, it took 2 hour to return the car. What was most disturbing is they consider the smallest scratches as damage and will charge you for everything. We had a scratch on the bumper of the vehicle, where most scratches exist, and they claimed it was new damage. When I asked them to point out the damage, the lady helping licked her finger to rub off the dirt to show me the scratches. I was so shocked they considered it new damage when it appeared to be normal wear of a car after hundreds of people drive it around Iceland. Furthermore, they claimed We had a chip in the windshield. Again, not a crack, not something I would consider damage. So, 2 hours and 1400 USD later, we left, feeling upset about our Iceland experience. The poor people wanting to get a car or drop off a car had to wait while we competed the damage report because there wasn't anyone else there. If you choose to rent through this company, I recommend licking your finger and scanning the car meticulously, noting every scratch, scuff mark, dent, chip, etc. Document everything. Or, better yet, choose a different company.

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