Iceland Wellness i Mosfellsbær

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandIceland Wellness


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4, Stórikriki, 270, Mosfellsbær, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 699 6684
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Latitude: 64.1617549, Longitude: -21.6877264

kommentar 5

  • Morgane Vendroux

    Morgane Vendroux


    Très bon accueil très belle maison. Des gens charmant et très intéressant.

  • en

    Umberto Domanda


    Our reservation was cancelled by the hostel two days before our arrival for an unspecified reason

  • serena calcinati

    serena calcinati


    Really nice stay.The room was nice, comfortable and clean.good breakfast. The host is really friendly and helped us deciding our trip.he also woke up to see the northern lights! Recommended!

  • Justinas Mažuika

    Justinas Mažuika


  • en

    Massimiliano Sartirana


    It was a very good stay. The main shared bathroom was clean and very big, and not busy at all. Good bed and nice room. The owner was very kind and helpful , he suggested us a trip for the next day and also called some shops on our behalf to find a thing we needed to buy. The "wellness" part of the bathroom seems in restoration but for the price we paid, it would have been too much to get that bonus too :)

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