Icelandair Hotels Herad i Egilsstaðir

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IslandIcelandair Hotels Herad


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Miðvangur 5-7, 700 Egilsstaðir, Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 471 1500
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Latitude: 65.2617265, Longitude: -14.4061446

kommentar 5

  • Vladimir Panic

    Vladimir Panic


    We stayed for one night and it was a nice and quiet place. Nice location and a good view. All staff was kind. The shower was a little challenging figuring it out. 😁

  • en

    Abra Moore


    Very clean and comfortable. Friendly staff and service. Good breakfast spread.

  • Jill Young

    Jill Young


    This was one of my favorite rooms we stayed in! Very comfortable & inviting. The bathroom was my favorite one around the island. Generally located and close to a lot. We went to Salt Bistro for dinner, great burger, which is in walking distance across the street. Would highly recommend!

  • en

    Wayne Wan


    Staff are very nice. Room is big enough for three people

  • Fabian Frank

    Fabian Frank


    Hotel is good, rooms are clean and it has all the basic amenities you'd expect. Staff is friendly and helpful. The hotel is fairly new and well decorated. However, the breakfast is a sore point unfortunately. They are the only hotel on our trip that didn't include breakfast in the room rate and also the only one that only served breakfast until 9:30 instead of only until 10. Since the room rate is the same as comparable hotels that include breakfast, you might want to compare other options

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