Kaffi Vinyl i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandKaffi Vinyl



🕗 åbningstider

76, Hverfisgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 537 1332
internet side: www.visitreykjavik.is
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 64.1450902, Longitude: -21.9222577

kommentar 5

  • de

    Nunne Basement


    Eines der besten veganen Essen die ich je hatte! Wir waren begeistert vom Essen und können den nächsten Besuch kaum erwarten! Das Personal ist sehr freundlich und das Lokal gemütlich. Karte hat englische Beschreibung dabei. Ein Muss für jeden Besuch in Reykjavik!

  • en

    Ian Nash


    Delicious vegan food, about 15 minutes walk from town centre. Good menu, fine service and a bar. Menu was varied and wide. A bit expensive, but so is everywhere in Iceland. A great ambient atmosphere with vinyl turntables where records are chosen by customers. Fantastic find and a must go!

  • de

    Christian Bohm


    Vegan Hotspot!

  • Charlotte Littley

    Charlotte Littley


    Our vegan saviours! After a day of touring and not being able to find ANYTHING vegan, coming back to Reykjavík and having dinner here was a proper treat! The atmosphere is really cool, the music was great and not too loud for a nice chat. Service was quick and friendly. Most importantly the food was AWESOME! Exactly what we needed and couldn’t recommend highly enough to vegans and omnivores a-like :)

  • Andreas Blome

    Andreas Blome


    Gemütlich, gute Musik und exzellenter Kaffee und eine ordentliche Happyhour

nærmeste Cafe

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