Nordic Visitor i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandNordic Visitor



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Bíldshöfði 20, 4th floor, 110 Reykjavík, Island
kontakter telefon: +354 578 2080
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.125266, Longitude: -21.814738

kommentar 5

  • gl

    Jakob Máni Eiriksson Schimmelman


  • Al Risden

    Al Risden


    The staff is very accommodating. They have prepared tours that can be customized to meet timeframes and other needs. No details are ommited when booking through Nordic Visitor. I'll be their customer again... Soon.

  • en

    Greg Gadren


    Excellent trip planning services. Helped us plan a drive around Iceland, which can be difficult to do on your own at high season due to the limited hotel availability. As first time visitors, they also know how to divvy up a ring road trip so you don't feel rushed at all. Will definitely use them again for travel to any of their serviced countries.

  • Keval Shah

    Keval Shah


    Nordic Visitor is the best! Our travel agent, Sigfús, was amazing. I had many questions before and during our trip, and Sigfús always replied quickly and informatively. The hotels we were booked at were some of the best in Iceland. The cell phone they gave came in handy too. Our trip planning was made easy by using Nordic Visitor and I would definitely recommend them to a friend and use them again of ever visiting this beautiful country again!

  • en

    Val Jones


    This is a great tour company. Sophia booked a 12 day Scandinavia tour for me and it was perfect from start to finish. The hotels were nice and in great locations near public transportation. The cruise from Helsinki to Stockholm was beautiful. The Flam Railway was amazing. She was in constant communication with me and sent all the tour documents well before the trip. We did not have a single problem or issue with anything that was booked by Sophia. I recommend the tour company to anyone that needs someone to plan a great vacation. Thanks again Sophia!

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