Olís Háaleiti i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandOlís Háaleiti


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12, Háaleitisbraut, 108, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 568 5700
internet side: www.olis.is
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Latitude: 64.1374794, Longitude: -21.890869

kommentar 5

  • Divya Murti

    Divya Murti


    Good place

  • Carlos Costa

    Carlos Costa


    Doesn’t have any car wash.

  • Patty Yeh

    Patty Yeh


    Horrible service; the staff here just wants tourists’ money. Rude staff and they will monitor your every move when you come here. They stare at you like vultures waiting for their prey.

  • Courtney Vengrin

    Courtney Vengrin


    Tourists - Be aware that if you choose “fill up” or “fylla” it will charge your card 25000 ISK or $235 USD PLUS what you actually pay and then you have to dispute this with your bank. You will not be able to get a receipt either. If you get gas here take photos at the pump for evidence for your bank claim.

  • Paoli Izquierdo

    Paoli Izquierdo


    Good place to fill the tank when giving back your rental car in Europcar when you don’t know that there’s a pump IN the europcar parking lot. ;)

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