Reykjavik4you Apartments Hotel í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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ÍslandReykjavik4you Apartments Hotel



🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
12, Bergstaðastræti, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 771 1200
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.144839, Longitude: -21.933312

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Jeffrey Tanner


    Apartment: roomy, modern, well equipped kitchen, large bathroom, comfy bed. Location: Walking distance to everywhere in downtown Reykjavik. Well stocked supermarket (Bonus) very close by. Many places to eat and drink within 10 minutes walk. Staff: Friendly and welcoming, rooms maintained everyday.

  • Adam Bender

    Adam Bender


    Great option for a group. We were two couples, so the 2 room apartment was perfect. Note that one room is smaller than the other. Close to a bus stop for tours and restaurants in the city. Lots of snow and ice in the winter, though, so come prepared!

  • en

    Thomas Prociuk


    This location was an amazing hidden gem right in the heart of downtown Reykjavik. The units are beautiful and large, everything thing you need to live there for several days. The price is a little more but if you are staying with others you can split the price and this becomes an amazing deal. The staff were extremely friendly and accommodating. Could not be happier with thus choice, the quality of the units and the location along make this place a must stay.

  • Chris Craft

    Chris Craft


    Accommodating and friendly staff - my group stopped in the office around 9 am asking if it was possible to do an early check-in. The front desk staff told us they would take our number down and text when the room was available and then gave us several recommendations for breakfast close by. Less than two hours later we had a text alerting us that our room was available (more than 4 hours before official check-in!). Room was spacious, clean, comfortable - and the perfect location for all Reykjavik adventures. There were even several books and movies in the room for entertainment. Parking lot is available for guests with rental cars and grocery stores are a short walk from the apartments. Great location, great staff, great amenities and fantastic price. Highly recommend.

  • Sunnee Heera

    Sunnee Heera


    We have spent 4 nights here self catering . Great staff, well located and all at a good price. They give you a mobile phone for emergencies and free parking which is useful. They clean the apartments everyday and have 24 hour convenient store nearby ( 10 min walk tops). I really recommend going to the local deli down the street. Reykjavik4you is highly recommended.

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