Sægreifinn í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál







🕗 opnunartími

8, Geirsgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 553 1500
website: saegreifinn.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1508078, Longitude: -21.9440346

athugasemdir 5

  • Ansik Jeong

    Ansik Jeong


    We got the lobster soup and the salmon skewers. It was delicious. We were worried as the front of the restaurant was packed but when we ordered they took us to the back where they had more tables. They had many fish options and displayed nicely so you can visualize. Pricing was typical Icelandic prices.

  • Kuro Neko

    Kuro Neko


    Io sono vegetariana e si direbbe che in un posto tipico islandese non è così semplice trovare da mangiare. Mi hanno preparato un Burger vegetale con spiedini di verdure e patate . Buonissimo! Posto semplice ma bello.

  • Nikki Wan

    Nikki Wan


    I was attracted by the famous lobster soup here from few Chinese travel books. Shop location was easy to find, just next to the old harbour. Lobster soup and barbecued would be ordered. Lobster soup‘s concentration wasn’t as thick as I expected, but I was still good to warm me up in the snowing and windy night. The barbecue scallops and salmon were still juicy and fresh. There are lack of rooms inside the shop, however if you have many friends to go together, it should not the good location for dining. Hope you would enjoy this restaurant regarding my information 😊

  • David Rodgers

    David Rodgers


    Really cool spot. I had the whale sample which was incredibly unique. The kababs were amazing. It's just a neat set up, you sit cafeteria style next to strangers which get you to interact. If you only get one skewer, I recommend the monk fish. It was incredible. The service was great, the food was spectacular. The only thing I wish they had was better beer, but then again, Iceland doesn't have much for good beer. If you are in Reykjavik, this is definitely a place that needs to be visited at least once. It's not fine dining, but if you want amazing food in a cool setting, this is the place to go. After, you can go to the local brewery down the street to get your beer fix

  • Gudrun Sigurdardottir

    Gudrun Sigurdardottir


    Frábær matur og þjónusta

næsta Veitingahús

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