Scandinavian í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál







🕗 opnunartími

22a, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 578 4888
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1455886, Longitude: -21.9289623

athugasemdir 5

  • Cristiano Orlete

    Cristiano Orlete


    Lugar muito aconchegante com preços moderados a comida é boa porém o menu é pouco variado. Provei apenas um prato por isso não posso dizer muito.

  • Miguel Eduardo Gil Biraud

    Miguel Eduardo Gil Biraud


    The service was good, the food came quickly to the table and it was tasty. We had the tagliatelle, the tagliatelle with chicken, the kids menu nuggets and the kids menu sandwich. The ice cream was good too! Prices are ok considering it's Reykjavik and the portion sizes.

  • jia ling toy

    jia ling toy


    Ordered a seafood soup, soup of the day (cream of asparagus), fish and chips, grilled chicken breast pasta, lobster cream pasta. Food was delivered within 10mins, although most of the food wasn’t piping hot but rather acceptable. Pricing typical of Icelandic food. Pretty empty restaurant at Sunday lunch time. Excellent service overall!

  • en

    Tom Strife


    I walked in & the place was empty. It was clean and beautiful inside so I was amazed no one was there. Ordered Fish and chips and the seafood soup. Fish was over cooked and breaded not batter fried. The chips were delicious. Seafood soup had the salmon overcooked but the lobster was perfect inside. The soup itself was seasoned well and tasty. Overall, not worth the 65$ and will eat elsewhere in the future.

  • en

    Felix Schweiger


    Christmas menu #2 (2017) - salmon, lamb, dessert. Everything was good, but lamb and potato deserve special recognition. Big, tender chunk of lean lamb, herbs-crusted - best lamb I ever remember. Baked potato with butter - OMG, so simple, yet so tasty! Beautiful place, quick service, nice people. Totally enjoyed it!

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