Secret Solstice Festival i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandSecret Solstice Festival



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Engjavegur 7, Laugardalur, 104 Reykjavík, Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 789 0505
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Latitude: 64.140878, Longitude: -21.875534

kommentar 5

  • Ayse Gulnur Velicangil

    Ayse Gulnur Velicangil


    It was just one of a lifetime experience. Never setting sun, having a lot of fun, a little bit more local as opposed to the rest of the activities in Iceland. Just taste it. Upon saving enough money again I am planning to come back and join this festival again!

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    Ariaan Olieroock


    Loved playing as a dj there dont know much more..

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    Constantino Ford


    Priceless experience, too big to even mention all. Amazing event hosts. The people rocked!!

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    James M


    Foo fighters and Prodigy were amazing, some good bands. In terms of entrance, everyday queuing up with people who didn't have wrist bands and you did seemed pointless needs to be an express line, nowhere near enough toilets available. Need a guy/girl area people just urinating everywhere because lines were too big! After festival had finished none of the staff knew where taxi stands were, just said go to the road. In the rain and cold, serious health concerns for people who needed to get home. Great gigs not a very well organised festival. Why couldn't you buy day tickets?

  • Maël Sicard-Cras

    Maël Sicard-Cras


    Great atmosphere, great crowd and great bands in 2017! Prodigy was particularly phenomenal, especially from the mush pit. Camping there was probably the best out of any festival I've been to; quick access to the site, great facilities with clean showers & toilets. Really happy to have come all the way from Glasgow for it! Well done!

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