Spilavinir i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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48, Suðurlandsbraut, 108, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 553 3450
internet side: www.spilavinir.is
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Latitude: 64.1309639, Longitude: -21.8662946

kommentar 5

  • Erik Cheng

    Erik Cheng


    Great place witj all kinds of games you can possibly imagine!

  • JT Mudge

    JT Mudge


    We visited here when we were visiting on holiday from the states. Loved it. We didn't want to leave. We are all gamers in our family and we all agreed that this was the best game store we had ever been in. Most of the games were available to play as demos. The best part was that there are a lot of things to keep little ones busy including play area downstairs and a wide selection of family games. The real cafe was a nice touch too. The store is very welcoming. I cannot recommend it enough!

  • Chinmay Sahoo

    Chinmay Sahoo


    Came to search for Twilight Struggle, and found it finally! The staff was very helpful, and also played a game with us to teach the basics! Brilliant place

  • Xavier Gumara Rigol

    Xavier Gumara Rigol


    The paradise of board games in Reykjavik. The staff is very kind and helpful when choosing a game. They also organize lots of events!!

  • Jóhann Gunnarsson

    Jóhann Gunnarsson


    All your boardgaming needs are covered here. Has a spacious basement used for all sorts of boardgaming events. Check them on Facebook to find the open for all biweekly boardgame evenings.

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