Superdry Store i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IslandSuperdry Store



🕗 åbningstider

58, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 568 2001
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.1443318, Longitude: -21.9228503

kommentar 4

  • en

    Nicholas D


    We are Ukrainians, good looking (I wore Superdry cap and sweater, other ones were dressed good) who came there with group of 4. The lady (she told it was HER store) asked my friends (who don't speak English) if she can help. I came and told her that they can't understand her, so I will be helping if needed and currently we're just looking, so nothing particular she can help with at the moment. Seems like she was freaked out by the fact we were speaking Russian. She started acting quite weird: followed our evert step, making notes, telling that we can take only 3 items to the changing room at one time (ok, we could easily comply with that), but also that we need to try everything one by one and not all together, because she can't help all of us at the same time (aren't we adult enough to dress ourselves?!). Eventually she told that she doesn't like our behavior and that we need to "show some respect". I said that we didn't do anything wrong and that she's rude and with that kind of attitude she won't have good sales, so me and my wife left. Later I was told that she demanded to inspect a backpack of one of the 2 friends who were behind us. When she found nothing there she didn't apologize. I travel a lot and this is for the first time I had an attitude towards us like that. What a shame!!!

  • Mathieu Gayet

    Mathieu Gayet


    Identique à tous les Superdry du monde.

  • es

    Leo Arg


    Muy buena ropa y precios. Hay una chica que sabe español.

  • Artur Jensson

    Artur Jensson


nærmeste Tøjbutik

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